The DAIRYMAN project (an INTERREG IV B NW Europe project) aims to improve fertilisation and supplementation practices on dairy farms in order to boost their economic and environmental...
Europe's farmers need to assess and improve their practices if they are to develop in line with society's many and various expectations and ensure their own survival. Against that...
Assistance for decreasing methane emission from dairy cattle with a rapid and precise assessment method of individual emission
Maîtrise des points critiques dans l''élevage des génisses laitières : quel impact sur la production laitière ?
Maîtrise des points critiques dans l''élevage des génisses laitières : quel impact sur la production laitière ?
Contrôle du ruissellement et de ses impacts en culture de pomme de terre en Région wallonne
Control of runoff and its impacts in potato crop in the Walloon region
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