
How do you fight against counterfeit pesticides?

How do you fight against counterfeit pesticides?

Counterfeit pesticides are a major scourge worldwide, threatening the health of users and consumers, biodiversity and the environment.

Olivier PIGEON
Pigeon, O.
What about soil fertility in organic farming?

What about soil fertility in organic farming?

Conversion to organic farming leads to changes in farming practices that can affect the organic material content and biological functioning of soils. The CRA-W has been trying to find...

Brieuc HARDY
Hardy, B.
CRA-W expertise promoted through the IAEA

CRA-W expertise promoted through the IAEA

Through various European projects, the CRA-W has forged links with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The Agency is particularly focussed on helping to achieve development...

Vincent BAETEN
Baeten, V.
Controlling the potato virus Y: an absolute necessity for our crops

Controlling the potato virus Y: an absolute necessity for our crops

Of the forty or so viruses that can affect the potato, virus Y (PVY, Potato virus Y) is the most frequently observed in our potato productions.

Can UAV’s help to improve nitrogen recommendation?

Can UAV’s help to improve nitrogen recommendation? 

UAV images can be used to investigate  soil organic content! This is one  of the UAVSoil project objectives.

Goffart, D.
Devoted tractor seeks conscientious farmer

Devoted tractor seeks conscientious farmer

Coming soon: "speed dating" between farms and tractors? The GéoCAN project is offering to act as a matchmaker.

Agriculture, a key sector in the management of our water resources

Agriculture, a key sector in the management of our water resources

As part of the Empreinte eau [Water Footprint] project, the CRA-W is developing strategies to measure the water consumption of farms. The qualitative aspects are, in turn, being addressed...

Michaël MATHOT
Mathot, M.
Assessing the future of plant protection products in the field according to farming practices

Assessing the future of plant protection products in the field according to farming practices

How do farming practices affect the status of underground bodies of water? What are the alternatives to glyphosate? The SolPhyLy project involves an experimental, full-field approach...

Blondel, A.
25 years of Good Laboratory Practice at the CRA-W: quality at the service of our partners

25 years of Good Laboratory Practice at the CRA-W: quality at the service of our partners

In order to authorise the placing of a new pesticide (phytopharmaceutical product or biocide) on the market in Europe and elsewhere, studies must comply with a quality standard: that...

Vanessa HÉRION
Hérion, V.
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