A study of the population dynamics of cereal aphids. Preliminary data on organisms that attack aphids in three different localities

  • Latteur, G. (1973). A study of the population dynamics of cereal aphids. Preliminary data on organisms that attack aphids in three different localities. Parasitica, 29: (3),
Type Journal Article
Year 1973
Title A study of the population dynamics of cereal aphids. Preliminary data on organisms that attack aphids in three different localities
Journal Parasitica
Recnumber 180
Volume 29
Issue 3
Endnote Keywords wheat|hosts|predators|cereals|natural enemies|agricultural entomology|parasites|prey|Acyrthosiphon dirhodum|Macrosiphum avenae|Acyrthosiphon festucae|Acyrthosiphon festuca|Acryrthosiphon festucae|Entomophthora thaxteriana|Entomophthora aphidis|Entomophtho
Abstract Notes are given on the fungi, Hymenopterous parasites and predators observed attacking aphids during surveys carried out on winter wheat in Belgium in 1971-73. The principal aphids found were Acyrthosiphon (Metopolophium) dirhodum (Wlk.) and Macrosiphum (Sitobion) avenae (F.); the other species were A. (Metopolophium) festucae (Theo.) and Rhopalosiphum padi (L.), which were generally present in very small numbers. Information on fluctuations in aphid populations is given in tables, together with details of the extent of fungal attacks and parasitism. The three species of fungi observed were Entomophthora thaxteriana, E. aphidis and E. planchoniana, and under favourable conditions they afforded a very considerable degree of control. The parasites reared comprised Aphidius ervi Hal. from Acyrthosiphon dirhodum and M. avenae; Aphidius picipes (Nees) from Acyrthosiphon dirhodum, A. festucae dirhodum, A. festucae and M. avenae; Aphidius uzbekistanicus Luzhetzki from all four species; and Praon volucre (Hal.) from M. avenae and Acyrthosiphon dirhodum. Parasites emerged from 67-96% of the mummified aphids collected in 1972 and from 1-42% of those collected in 1973; the remaining mummies yielded hyperparasites of 11 species. The most abundant of the predators observed was Episyrphus balteatus (Deg.).
Notes Cited Reference Count: 22 ref. Journal article French
Author address Station de Zoologie Appliquee de l'Etat, 8. B-5800 Gembloux, Belgium.
Lien ://19750523159
Authors Latteur, G.