Challenges for future research in GMO detection.

  • Berben, G. , Debode, F. , De Loose, M. , Janssen, E. , Papazova, E. , Sneyers, M. , Taverniers, I. , Leunda, A. , De Schrijver, A. & Van Den Bulcke, M. (2007). Challenges for future research in GMO detection.. GMO detection in the EU: past, present and future, Platform for Scientific Concertation: "Food Safety". Bruxelles, Belspo, sous presse,
Type Book
Year 2007
Title Challenges for future research in GMO detection.
City Bruxelles
Publisher Belspo
Series title GMO detection in the EU: past, present and future, Platform for Scientific Concertation: "Food Safety"
Recnumber 1044
Volume sous presse
Label 1044
Author address Berben Gilbert, Quality Department of Agro-food Products, Walloon Agricultural Research Centre (CRA-W), Chaussée de Namur, 24, B-5030 Gembloux,
Authors Berben, G., Debode, F., De Loose, M., Janssen, E., Papazova, E., Sneyers, M., Taverniers, I., Leunda, A., De Schrijver, A., Van Den Bulcke, M.
