Description and properties of a special cultural form of Typhula incarnata Lasch ex Fr

  • Cavelier, M. (1982). Description and properties of a special cultural form of Typhula incarnata Lasch ex Fr. Parasitica, 38: (3),
Type Journal Article
Year 1982
Title Description and properties of a special cultural form of Typhula incarnata Lasch ex Fr
Journal Parasitica
Recnumber 39
Volume 38
Issue 3
Endnote Keywords morphology|cereals|plant pathology|
Abstract Some monokaryotic strs. show in vitro an unusual morphology related to the production of a phytotoxic and fungistatic substance which colours the culture medium brown and reduces the aggressiveness of the pathogen in both mono- and dikaryotic states.
Notes Cited Reference Count: 6 ref. Journal article French 2 graphs, 1 tab.
Author address Station de Phytopathologie de l'Etat, Gembloux, Belgium.
Lien ://19841397745
Authors Cavelier, M.