Engrais verts: que choisir et pourquoi?

  • Ninane, V. , Goffart, J. , Destain, J. & Verdinne, K. (1994). Engrais verts: que choisir et pourquoi? Le Sillon Belge, 11.
Type Newspaper Article
Year 1994
Reporter Engrais verts: que choisir et pourquoi?
Newspaper Le Sillon Belge
Label 701
Recnumber 701
Pages 11
Date 08/07/1994
Type of article article
Author address Ninane Véronique, Quality Department of Agro-food Products, Walloon Agricultural Research Centre (CRA-W), Chaussée de Namur, 24, B-5030 Gembloux, ninane@cra.wallonie.be
Authors Ninane, V., Goffart, J., Destain, J., Verdinne, K.