Evaluation of fruits variability among somaclonal variants of Jonagold apple variety.

  • Magein, H. , Mahoux, A. & Druart, P. (2005). Evaluation of fruits variability among somaclonal variants of Jonagold apple variety. Poster in: ISHS Symposium "Biotechnology of Temperate Fruit Crops and Tropical Species", Daytona Beach, (Floride USA.), 10-14 Octobre.
Type Poster
Year 2005
Title Evaluation of fruits variability among somaclonal variants of Jonagold apple variety.
Event name ISHS Symposium "Biotechnology of Temperate Fruit Crops and Tropical Species"
Event location Daytona Beach, (Floride USA.)
Recnumber 44
Event date 10-14 Octobre.
Type of poster Scientifique - recherche
Endnote keywords Th-Ressources génétiques et amélioration des plantes Th-Produits de qualité différenciée Do-Cultures fruitières Di-Phytotechnie Di-Physico-chimie Di-Culture in vitro
Endnote Keywords arboriculture fruitière|pommier|qualité |variation somaclonale|
Authors Magein, H., Mahoux, A., Druart, P.