Interference of an epidemic caused for the first time in Belgium by Typhula incarnata Lasch ex Fr. with a recrudescence of barley yellow dwarf on winter barley. Characterization of symptoms and evaluation of their respective effects on yields

  • Cavelier, M. & Maroquin, C. (1978). Interference of an epidemic caused for the first time in Belgium by Typhula incarnata Lasch ex Fr. with a recrudescence of barley yellow dwarf on winter barley. Characterization of symptoms and evaluation of their respective effects on yields. Parasitica, 34: (4),
Type Journal Article
Year 1978
Title Interference of an epidemic caused for the first time in Belgium by Typhula incarnata Lasch ex Fr. with a recrudescence of barley yellow dwarf on winter barley. Characterization of symptoms and evaluation of their respective effects on yields
Journal Parasitica
Recnumber 48
Volume 34
Issue 4
Endnote Keywords barley|crop losses|cereals|plant pathology|barley yellow dwarf virus|Belgium, effect on yield|
Abstract Unusually severe outbreaks of T. incarnata on winter barley have occurred in S. Belgium since 1976. On field inoculation of cv. Capri with the fungus and with barley yellow dwarf virus, singly or jointly, tiller loss reduced ear density by 20% with T. incarnata, by 35% with BYDV, and by 50% with both. Tillers surviving BYDV produced more and heavier kernels/ear but those surviving T. incarnata did not compensate for low ear density. Total yield was little affected even with 50% infection by T. incarnata, because of healthy plants in the crop. Dimethoate treatment against vectors of BYDV stimulated the yield of plants infected by T. incarnata, resulting in the same number of kernels/ear and the same 1000 kernel wt. as those infected by BYDV.
Notes Cited Reference Count: 15 ref. Journal article French 3 fig. (1 col.), 3 tab.
Author address Station de Phytopathologie de l'Etat, Gembloux, Belgium.
Lien ://19791360170
Authors Cavelier, M., Maroquin, C.