Looking for balance in organic heterogeneous wheat crops: Effects of trait contrasts and sowing density on plant interactions, and their consequences on yield and quality. PhD Thesis

  • Beaugendre, A. (2024). Looking for balance in organic heterogeneous wheat crops: Effects of trait contrasts and sowing density on plant interactions, and their consequences on yield and quality. PhD Thesis. ULB-CRA-W, 235.
Type Thesis
Year 2024
Title Looking for balance in organic heterogeneous wheat crops: Effects of trait contrasts and sowing density on plant interactions, and their consequences on yield and quality. PhD Thesis
University ULB-CRA-W
Number of pages 235
Project/Service ref U1
Lien https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcs.2024.103933
Authors Beaugendre, A.