Obtaining virus-free hop (Humulus lupulus L.) plants by heat treatment and microcutting

  • Legrand, G. & Maroquin, C. (1987). Obtaining virus-free hop (Humulus lupulus L.) plants by heat treatment and microcutting. Parasitica, 43: (1),
Type Journal Article
Year 1987
Title Obtaining virus-free hop (Humulus lupulus L.) plants by heat treatment and microcutting
Journal Parasitica
Recnumber 82
Volume 43
Issue 1
Endnote Keywords Hops|heat treatment|control|plant pathology|hop latent virus|
Abstract Virus-free material was obtained by heat treatment of several cultivars infected by hop latent virus. The use of an appropriate support for the cuttings allowed direct rooting of the microcuttings. The health of the regenerated plants was examined after 10 weeks of growth. The work was completed within 4 months.
Notes Cited Reference Count: 8 ref. Journal article French
Author address Cent. Agron. Res., Gembloux, Belgium.
Lien ://19891129551
Authors Legrand, G., Maroquin, C.