Relationship between rendering process temperatures and DNA degradation in Meat and Bone Meals by real time PCR assay

  • Chiappini, B. , Aarts, H. , Agrimi, U. , Berben, G. , Brambilla, G. , Frezza, D. & Vaccari, G. (2004). Relationship between rendering process temperatures and DNA degradation in Meat and Bone Meals by real time PCR assay. Poster in: International symposium on Food and Feed safety in the context of prion diseases, Namur - Belgique, 16-18/06/2004.
Type Poster
Year 2004
Title Relationship between rendering process temperatures and DNA degradation in Meat and Bone Meals by real time PCR assay
Event name International symposium on Food and Feed safety in the context of prion diseases
Event location Namur - Belgique
Label 174
Recnumber 174
Event date 16-18/06/2004
Type of poster scientifique, recherche
Endnote keywords RA-CRA-W 2003-2004 Pr-STRATFEED Th-Qualité, traçabilité et sécurité alimentaire Do-Alimentation animale Do-Farines animales Pr-STRATFEED RA-STRATFEED-2004
Notes P.52.
Authors Chiappini, B., Aarts, H., Agrimi, U., Berben, G., Brambilla, G., Frezza, D., Vaccari, G.