Screening fruit tree genetic resources in Belgium for disease resistance and other desirable characters

  • Lateur, M. & Populer, C. (1994). Screening fruit tree genetic resources in Belgium for disease resistance and other desirable characters. Euphytica, 77: (1/2),
Type Journal Article
Year 1994
Title Screening fruit tree genetic resources in Belgium for disease resistance and other desirable characters
Journal Euphytica
Recnumber 77
Volume 77
Issue 1/2
Endnote Keywords plant genetic resources|gene banks|plant collections|disease resistance|evaluation|pears|plums|genes|fruit crops|genetic resources|landraces|plant diseases|plant pathogens|plant pathogenic fungi|temperate tree fruits|fruit trees|diseases|apples|plant path
Abstract The wide diversity of old fruit-tree cultivars originating or introduced into Belgium during the 18th and 19th centuries has been collected as far as feasible over the last 15 years at the State Plant Pathology Station in Gembloux. Of the 2400 accessions now collected, about 25% was recovered from old public collections; the rest came from farms or gardens. The initial intention was to screen the material for disease resistance and other characters of agronomic interest with a view to using the best cultivars as breeding parents. However, as the collection developed, genetic resources conservation also became an objective per se. The collection presently contains 1150 apple, 850 pear and 300 plum accessions, and smaller numbers of other fruit species. Each accession is evaluated in an experimental orchard for at least 10 years. In view of the growing public interest in old fruit-tree cultivars, the Plant Pathology Station has for several years been releasing to the nursery trade the better cultivars emerging from the evaluation, namely 9 apple, 1 peach and 4 plum cultivars. The principal features of the apple cultivars are presented in this paper. Since 1988, old apple and plum cultivars have been used at the Station as parents in a breeding programme, with both controlled and open pollination. In some instances, old apple cultivars have also been crossed with a modern parent carrying the Vf gene for scab (Venturia inaequalis) resistance. The preliminary observations on some of these seedlings are presented.
Notes Cited Reference Count: 19 ref. Journal article English
Author address State Plant Pathology Station, Chemin de Liroux, B-5030 Gembloux, Belgium.
Lien ://19951602852
Authors Lateur, M., Populer, C.