The effect of concentrate allocation on traffic and milk production of pasture-based cows milked by an automatic milking system.

  • Lessire, F. , Froidmont, E. , Shortall, J. , Hornick, J. & Dufrasne, I. (2017). The effect of concentrate allocation on traffic and milk production of pasture-based cows milked by an automatic milking system. Animal (accfepted, published on line) doi: 10.1017/s1751731117000659,
Type Journal Article
Year 2017
Title The effect of concentrate allocation on traffic and milk production of pasture-based cows milked by an automatic milking system.
Journal Animal (accfepted, published on line) doi: 10.1017/s1751731117000659
Authors Lessire, F., Froidmont, E., Shortall, J., Hornick, J., Dufrasne, I.