
Organising farm work, an investment that pays

Organising farm work, an investment that pays

A recent survey in the framework of the Duralait Plus project found that work organisation is a key concern for farmers who, like all self-employed people, aspire to similar working...

Lameness as an indicator of dairy herd health

Lameness as an indicator of dairy herd health

Lameness is a well-known pathology in cattle, but its significance is often underestimated. Nevertheless, it ranks third among reasons for culling dairy cows, after mastitis and reproductive...

Our forests threatened by non-native fungi

Our forests threatened by non-native fungi

In the last 30 years our forests have increasingly suffered so-called ‘emerging’ diseases caused by virulent pathogenic fungi from other continents.

Schmitz, S.

Sharing expertise in new spectroscopic techniques

Under a scientific cooperation agreement between Brazil and Wallonie-Bruxelles International (WBI), CRA-W and Universidade Estatual de Campinas UNICAMP have joined forces to study...

Vincent BAETEN
Baeten, V.
Oilseed rape growing with no pollen beetles and no insecticide - utopia or reality?

Oilseed rape growing with no pollen beetles and no insecticide - utopia or reality?

Of all the crops grown in Wallonia, Oilseed rape is one of the biggest insecticide consumers. There may be alternative solutions!

Jean-Pierre JANSEN
Jansen, J.P.
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