17 April
31 December 2012


Contribution to the development of 2nd generation bio-ethanol production chain


The definition of new alternatives in terms of renewable energy production is a priority in order to maintain the development of our societies. The current target is, in Europe, to cover 10 % of our fuel needs by renewable biofuels in 2020. One of the alternatives is based on biofuel production from energy plants. Nevertheless, current process, valorise the richest part of these crops, with a high sugar, starch or oil content. So they lead to low energy yields : an important part of the energy produced is re-injected in the production process (fertilisers, …).

An alternative lays in the production of 2nd generation biofuels aiming to valorise all the plant with a special attention to the transformation of the lingo-cellulose fractions (hemi-cellulose, cellulose and lignin) in order to reach an efficiency close from 70 %.

Nevertheless, numerous questions remain before to reach such a target. The aim of this project is to explore these questions in order to find sustainable solutions.


The solution offered by 2nd generation biofuels is it the best alternative in the current situation ? What are the other alternatives ? What would be the impact of its development on territorial and fuel chains organisations ? What is the best way to valorise lingo-cellulosic biomass ? The thermo-chemical (pyrolitic) or the bio-chemical (bio-ethanol) one’s ?

This is what we want to define in mobilising foresight methodology and multi-factors analysis, on the one hand, and in developing cropping references, coupled to ecological balance, for energy plants productions, on the other hand.

Nevertheless, all the plants are not equivalent in terms of parietal, of wall composition, more especially in terms of hemi-cellulose composition. Composition that has an impact on plant potentiality to be converted in biofuel. So our approach will aim to improve the process in homogenising the composition of the treated mix. Once these plant wall fractions will be characterised, it will be necessary to optimise their hydrolysis through enzymatic action and, thereafter, the transformation of the sugar units in ethanol by appropriated micro-organisms.

Expected results

From the methodological point of view, this project will allow to develop CRA-W expertise in some fields representing important challenge for our society of tomorrow.To say the production of bio-energy, domain in which the CRAW has developed a strong expertise in term of biomass valorisation through its combustion and of bio-diesel production and qualification from rape crop. This project will allow developing some competences in energy plant production and in the evaluation of their use value.This project will also allow to develop know how in foresight analysis in order to anticipate and to respond quickly to society and agro-food chain needs.Finally it will allow improving (1) our competencies in the definition of cropping systems ecological-balance and performances  and (2) the use of meta-genomic analysis in order to characterise biodiversity in cropped soil.


Agricultural Engineering Department (CRA-W)

Quality of Agricultural Products Department (CRA-W)

Plant Production Department (CRA-W)

Biotechnology Department (CRA-W)

BIOETHA2 Interdepartmental Research Unit CRA-W)

Society, Economy, Environment and Development (ULg)

CRAW off coordinator

Dr. ir. Didier Stilmant

CRA-W – Farming Systems Section

Rue de Serpont, 100

B-6800 Libramont-Chevigny


Phone : +32 (0)61 23 10 10

Fax : +32 (0)61 23 10 28

Email : stilmant@cra.wallonie.be


  • CRA-W - Walloon Agricultural Research Centre
