An overview of tests for animal tissues in feeds applied in response to public health concerns regarding BSE

  • Gizzi, G. , Van Raamsdonk, L. , Baeten, V. , Murray, I. , Berben, G. , Brambilla, G. & Von Holst, C. (2003). An overview of tests for animal tissues in feeds applied in response to public health concerns regarding BSE. Rev. Sci. Tech. OIE, 22: 311-331.
Type Journal Article
Year 2003
Title An overview of tests for animal tissues in feeds applied in response to public health concerns regarding BSE
Journal Rev. Sci. Tech. OIE
Label U15-0007
Recnumber 373
Volume 22
Pages 311-331
Date 2003
Isbn ISSN 0253-1933
Endnote keywords RA-CRA-W 2003-2004 Pr-STRATFEED RA-STRATFEED-2004
Previous label Stratfeed-166
Endnote Keywords microscopy|BSE|immunoassay|MBM|PCR NIRS|NIRM|
Abstract Enforcing the ban on meat-and-bone meal in feed for farmed animals, and especially ruminants, is considered an important measure to prevent the spread of bovine spongiform encephalopathy. The authors describe current analytical methods for the detection and identification of animal tissues in feed. In addition, recently approved requirements, such as the ban of intra-species recycling (practice of feeding an animal species with proteins derived from the bodies, or parts of bodies, of the same species) are described. In principle, four different approaches are currently applied, i.e. microscopic analysis, polymerase chain reaction, immunoassay analysis and near infrared spectroscopy or microscopy. The principal performance characteristics of these methods are presented and compared, and their specific advantages and disadvantages described. Special emphasis is also placed on the impact of rendering conditions, particularly high temperatures and on the use of molecular biology techniques.
Caption U15-0007-baeten-2003.pdf
Authors Gizzi, G., Van Raamsdonk, L., Baeten, V., Murray, I., Berben, G., Brambilla, G., Von Holst, C.
