Development of an internet based data explorer: the example of the STRATFEED explorer

  • Vermeulen, P. , Baeten, V. , Dardenne, P. , Van Raamsdonk, L. , Oger, R. , Monjoie, A. & Martinez, M. (2004). Development of an internet based data explorer: the example of the STRATFEED explorer. Poster in: International symposium on Food and Feed safety in the context of prion diseases, Namur - Belgique, 16-18/06/2004.
Type Poster
Year 2004
Title Development of an internet based data explorer: the example of the STRATFEED explorer
Event name International symposium on Food and Feed safety in the context of prion diseases
Event location Namur - Belgique
Label U15-0165
Recnumber 537
Event date 16-18/06/2004
Type of poster scientifique, recherche
Endnote keywords RA-CRA-W 2003-2004 Pr-STRATFEED Th-Qualité, traçabilité et sécurité alimentaire Di-Informatique Do-Alimentation animale Do-Farines animales RA-STRATFEED-2004
Endnote Keywords Databases|internet|computer systems|information systems|data explorer|samples management|
Abstract In the framework of the European project STRATFEED, the building of a sample bank was a key point into development and validation of analytical methods for the detection of animal meals in feedingstuffs. To manage all the samples, another main objective was the building of a database to store all the data in a specific structure that allows the easy retrieval of specified parts of the data via the applications. The MS Access platform has been selected to implement the database and to manage both numbers and text as well as figures and files. In order to have maximum flexibility for development, updating and dissemination, different tables have been created to suit each topic in the project. The formulae of samples gathered in the sample bank have been described according to the EC guidelines of the Commission Directive 98/67/EC which amended Council Directive 96/25/EC. The incorporation of data and the updating of the database, is facilitated by the STRATFEED manager which is a management tool dedicated to the database administrator. In order to valorise this first reference database gathering so much information on feed samples adulterated or not with animal tissue, an internet based data explorer was developed to give to each lab or manufacturer working in the feed sector the opportunity to request the database. The development of this tool is based on client-server architecture using the Internet to provide the linkage between the two sides. With this application, on the one hand, the user can quickly get an overview of the "STRATFEED database" through predefined queries and, on the other hand, a user with more expertise can build his own query using different query modules which correspond to the different techniques. For each method, criteria have been defined by the respective work packages.Those criteria including text, pictures or graphs have been defined to identify the laboratory and to describe the analyses. Queries modules for each topic, based on those criteria were developed. The results of each analysis are displayed by sample, by method and by laboratory. The conclusions are presented according to those 3 levels: the laboratory level, the method level and the sample level. Those conclusions are expressed for each taxon or species detected, by a result and by the reliability of this result. Today, the STRATFEED explorer can be run from the public website on a database reduced to the sets of samples used by the different work packages for the development of the methods. On the private part, the STRATFEED partner can explore the complete database including 2500 samples. To help the user in the exploring, each webpage is described by a help file. The modular structure of the system, according to the different topics of the project, facilitates updating and favours the development of further tools for others techniques. The concept developed for the STRATFEED project can be used for the samples management of any other project and can easily be adapted to meet new requirements. This work was funded by the European Community, under the 5th EC FP, DG RTD, Measurement and testing activity, within the framework of the STRATFEED project - G6RD-2000-CT00414 - entitled "Strategies and methods to detect and quantify mammalian tissues in feedingstuffs". This project was carried out by a consortium coordinated by CRA-W - Walloon Agricultural Research Centre (Belgium) and including including 9 partners and 3 invited partners.
Notes P.20.
Author address Vermeulen Philippe, Quality Department of Agro-food Products, Walloon Agricultural Research Centre (CRA-W), Chaussée de Namur, 24, B-5030 Gembloux,
Caption U15-0165-vermeulen-2004.pdf
Authors Vermeulen, P., Baeten, V., Dardenne, P., Van Raamsdonk, L., Oger, R., Monjoie, A., Martinez, M.
