PCR techniques for detection and quantification of GMOs

  • Debode, F. & Berben, G. (2019). PCR techniques for detection and quantification of GMOs In: Testing and Analysis of GMO-containing Foods and Feed, Mahgoub S. and Nollet L. Boca Raton, Florida, USA, CRC Press, 115-153.
Type Book Section
Year 2019
Chapter title PCR techniques for detection and quantification of GMOs
Book title Testing and Analysis of GMO-containing Foods and Feed
Editor Mahgoub S. and Nollet L.
City Boca Raton, Florida, USA
Publisher CRC Press
Pages 115-153
Isbn ISBN 9781315178592
Endnote keywords GMO Detection, GMO Quantification, real-time PCR, digital PCR
Abstract Different DNA-based detection techniques can be used in the framework of GMO detection. For good sensitivity, these techniques first involve the extraction of the DNA still contained in the food or feed products, even if direct amplification is feasible, followed by the detection of a well-defined DNA target within a fraction of the DNA extract. Currently, this requires amplifying the target. There is a large variety of genetic amplification techniques (e.g. LAMP, NASBA, etc.) some of which were used in GMO detection but the one most commonly utilised is the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). This chapter is specifically devoted to PCR and will consider its different formats aimed at the detection of GMO’s or GM derived products.
Authors Debode, F., Berben, G.
