17 April
31 December 2012

Sélection de variétés de pommes de terre pour une agriculture durable



The absence of cultivar creation in Wallonia forces our farmers, specially the seed potato producers, to utilize old, free of rights, cultivars. The valorization of these latter, on export markets, is confronted to a severe competition with our neighbouring countries whose production shares are definitely more important than ours’.

Obtaining new varieties could be favourable to the development of the Walloon sector of seed potato production which have an important growth potential. In the general context of the development of a sustainable agriculture, based on the implementation of integrated crop management and on input reduction, new strategies have to be developed for an efficient potato protection. Indeed, due to the general susceptibility of the majority of the currently cropped varieties, many pesticides sprayings have to be performed : fungicides (Phytophthora infestans, Fusarium sp, Rhizoctonia solani, Helminthosporium solani, Alternaria sp, ...), insecticides (aphids, virus diseases) and herbicides (weeds, haulm killing). Such repeated protections deteriorate the marketing image of the product.


The objective of this program comprises two main parts:

-          the first consists of a close collaboration with private companies, especially potato seeds producers having their own breeding programmme. The collaboration consists then in doing the evaluation of their own crossings, from the seeds sowing to the selection after 4 or 5 years of the better clones.  This work is done in the framework of an agreement between the company and the Farming System Section and comprises the implementation of various techniques: production techniques in greenhouse for the obtaining of the first tubers from the true seeds, production techniques in the field for the evaluation of the agronomic and cultural value (yield, tuber set, tubers quality, resistance against several pests,…), laboratory tests for the evaluation of the potential use, in vitro micropropagation techniques in order to maintain the selected clones and to multiply rapidly the clones that will be developped on the market,… 4 to 5 years after the true seeds sowing, the selected clones are putted at the company disposal. The on-going evaluation and selection is then under the company responsibility, even the registration of the selected clones in the National Catalog.

-       The second part of the programme takes specifically into consideration the needs for a sustainable agriculture by focusing the crossing choice on the obtention of varieties having better resistances against late blight and/or viruses while answering the expectations of the market (consummers, transformers and exporters needs) . In this case, the parents choice is under our responsibility. A close collaboration is also developped for this part with the Research and Development Institute for Potato and Sugar Beet in Brasov, Romania. The evaluation and selection of the best clones are made in partnership with the Institute or by ourself.

Expected results

-          Implementation of a structure for potato breeding and selection in Wallonia.
-          Obtaining of new improved varieties meeting society expectations (sustainable agriculture) and specific needs of the markets. 

-          Development of the Walloon sector for seed potato production thanks to the attraction caused by the new commercial prospects and improved profitability.

Results obtained

In the past, the Farming Systems Section developed an important program of cultivars selection (1950-1970). Already at this time, resistance to late blight and viruses constituted important objectives of the selection strategies. However, breeders didn’t pay enough attention to the quality  in order to meet the market criteria : most of the new cultivars have never been commercialised. In spite of this, some of them were preserved in our potato germplasm together with more than 300 other varieties and clones.  These are some example : Mariline (tolerance to late blight and Y virus), Nadia (tolerance to late blight, common scab and leaf roll virus), Roxane (tolerance to leaf roll virus,  good fresh and industry use value), Rougeor, Reina (tolerance to late blight, leaf roll virus, black leg, good processing quality), Judith (tolerance to common scab, black leg, X virus, early maturing), Joelle, Gaumaise (tolerance to Y virus),  Gasore (tolerance to late blight, extreme resistance to the Y virus), Eschyle (tolerance to late blight, Y virus, leaf roll virus), Erasme (tolerance to late blight and leaf roll virus), Electre (tolerance to late blight, leaf roll virus and Y virus), Nervia (tolerance to late blight). Gasore  is the only cultivar to be presently marketed.

The new breeding program, started on a small scale in 1999, has been continued in 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007 with the introduction of about 50 crossings representing about 40.000 clones to be evaluated. In 2006, the first advanced clones have been released in order to be evaluated in other conditions by our private partner himself (clones with a industrial use potential).


Farming Systems Section : project management, program of obtaining and selection of potato cultivars.


Groupement wallon des Producteurs de Plants de Pommes de terre (GWPPPT);

Centre Pilote Pomme de terre;

Département Productions végétales - CRAW;

Département Biotechnologie - CRAW;

Research and Development Institute for Potato and Sugar Beet (Brasov, Romania);

Euroseeds sprl (Gembloux, Belgique);

University of Idaho, Research & Extension Center (Aberdeen, USA). 

CRAW off coordinator

ROLOT Jean-Louis

Section Systèmes agricoles

Rue de Serpont, 100

B-6800 Libramont

Tél : + 32 (0) 61 / 23.10.10

Fax : + 32 (0) 61 / 23.10.28

Email : rolot@cra.wallonie.be


  • CRA-W - Walloon Agricultural Research Centre