Attachée scientifique
Les articles de Sophie SCHMITZ
Baiting of Phytophthora from forest soil: comparison of methods
Schmitz, S. , Helson, M. , Fauche, F. & Chandelier, A. (2011). Baiting of Phytophthora from forest soil: comparison of methods. Poster in: Cost action Phytothreat, Budapest (Hungary),...
Resurgence in Belgium of 'lead' disease of fruit trees
Lateur, M. , Schmitz, S. , Etienne, M. & Zini, J. (2004). Resurgence in Belgium of 'lead' disease of fruit trees. Fruit Belge, 72: (511),
Effectiveness of thiophanate-methyl, trifloxistrobin and vinclozolin on canker caused by Phoma exigua Desm. on ash tree seedlings
Schmitz, S. , Zini, J. , Etienne, M. , Moreau, J. , Chandelier, A. & Cavelier, M. (2006). Effectiveness of thiophanate-methyl, trifloxistrobin and vinclozolin on canker caused...
Involvement of phytophtora species in the decline of beech ( fagus sylvatica) in the southern part of Belgium.
Schmitz, S. & Chandelier, A. (2007). Involvement of phytophtora species in the decline of beech ( fagus sylvatica) in the southern part of Belgium. Proceedings in: 4th IUFRO Meeting...
Involvement of Phytophthora species in the decline of beech (Fagus sylvatica) in Wallonia.
Schmitz, S. , Zini, J. & Chandelier, A. (2007). Involvement of Phytophthora species in the decline of beech (Fagus sylvatica) in Wallonia. Communications Applied Biological Sciences,...
Phytosanitary status of 8 fungi (+1 vector insect) affecting woody plants in Belgium
Forest soil Phytophthora, a world to be explored
For a long time considered to be fungi because of morphological similarities, Phytophthora nevertheless have a very different biology with an as yet relatively unknown diversity, particularly...
Our forests threatened by non-native fungi
In the last 30 years our forests have increasingly suffered so-called ‘emerging’ diseases caused by virulent pathogenic fungi from other continents.