ValCerWal: How to improve the VALorisation of CEReals from WALlonia?
Moving towards a greater use of Walloon cereals, by helping them to better satisfy the expectations of local food processors.
Maximising diversity in the field in order to improve resilience and adaptability?
Wheat and spelt population varieties: development and assessment of composite cross populations (CCPs)
Characterising the covering power of cereals
We defined the covering power of a crop as a measure of its ability to cover the soil and thereby, to compete with weeds.
Brochures and folders
CRA-W and cereals
Whether upstream or downstream, CRA-W intervenes at every level of the cereal supply chain.
The CRA-W's expertise in assessing biotic stresses in cereals
The European PHENET project aims to provide innovative phenotyping services based on the joint revolutions in sensors and big data.
Co-construction of technical itineraries for production of pulses in mixed cropping systems, in order to support the development of associated sectors (AssoBio)
The AssoBIO project aims at co-construct and test production itineraries of mixed crops integrating grain legumes in organic farming.