Varieties of apple for biological production

  • Sansdrap, A. , Lateur, M. , Vercammen, J. , Truiden, S. & Warnier, O. (2001). Varieties of apple for biological production. Fruit Belge, 69: (494),
Type Journal Article
Year 2001
Title Varieties of apple for biological production
Journal Fruit Belge
Recnumber 64
Volume 69
Issue 494
Endnote Keywords apples|crop quality|cultivars|insect pests|organic farming|plant diseases|plant pathogens|plant pests|varietal susceptibility|variety trials|
Abstract The requirements that apple varieties must satisfy in order to be suitable for organic production are listed, and an extensive table is presented showing the European origins of 6 apple varieties, apple properties (9 parameters), and tree properties (8 parameters including susceptibility to several plant diseases and insect pests). Apple varieties were Ariwa, Initial, Pinova, Santana, Svatava, and Topaz.
Notes Journal article French
Lien ://20023008128
Authors Sansdrap, A., Lateur, M., Vercammen, J., Truiden, S., Warnier, O.