Combining research and support in the development of agroecology
Using a network of experimental plots, participatory research involving a group of farmers was set up during the 2019-2020 season
What about the adjustment of topkilling on potatoes?
Topkilling is an operation carried out on crops that is intended to destroy the foliage on potatoes before harvest.
PPILOW: a participatory project for the improvement of welfare in pigs
Walloon farmers, stakeholders in the sector and citizens have been consulted in connection with various courses of action and solutions concerning the welfare o
Innovative production systems and the impact on groundwater
The development and a better understanding of the fate of pesticides in the environment would enable us to reduce the impact on water quality
New technologies serving the improvement of variety
The CRA-W and ILVO are applying their expertise to innovations in the assessment of new varieties in Europe
Analysing fodders by brigging the laboratory to the farm
In recent years, instead of moving samples to the laboratory, there is a tendency to take measuring devices directly to the production site
The CRA-W goes to high-throughput technologies
DNA can inform us about the composition of products and ecosystems. The CRA-W makes it talk by using high-throughput sequencing.
The Catchment Pesticide Diagnosis Unit: a tool for protection of drinking water catchments
The protection of groundwater from human activities is a hot topic. Drinking water standards are seen to be exceeded by Plant Protection Products (PPP) in some Walloon catchments.
Building the future of cattle breeding (milk and meat) in Wallonia
The PROBOV project proposes scenarios, by 2040, relating to the two most important Walloon agricultural productions, milk and beef, which face unprecedented challenges.
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