Projet Terraé
Victoria TOSAR
- +32 81 87 45 14
- +32 477 83 07 62
Les articles de Victoria TOSAR
L'élevage bovin en agriculture biologique : l'autonomie alimentaire. Un enjeu actuel complexe.
Tosar, V. & Faux, A.M. (2021). L'élevage bovin en agriculture biologique : l'autonomie alimentaire. Un enjeu actuel complexe. Cellule transversale de Recherches en Agriculture...
What possibilities are there for the future of Walloon cattle farming?
Through the PROBOV project, the CRA-W is continuing its forward-looking activities in close collaboration with the IWEPS (Walloon Institute for Evaluation, Planning and Statistics).
New booklet: Cattle breeding in organic agriculture: food autonomy
Supplementing the collection of booklets published on protein crops, pork and poultry in organic farming (OF), this new publication addresses a complex current subject: food autonomy...
Red clover-rich grassland increases equol concentration in eggs from free-range laying hens
Tosar, V. , Rousseau, G. , Decruyenaere, V. , Beckers, Y. , Larondelle, Y. & Froidmont, E. (2021). Red clover-rich grassland increases equol concentration in eggs from free-range...
Application of a near infrared hyperspectral imaging for identifying and quantifying red clover contained in experimental poultry refusals
Tosar, V. (2021). Application of a near infrared hyperspectral imaging for identifying and quantifying red clover contained in experimental poultry refusals. Animal Feed Science and...
Improve quality of free-range eggs by choosing vegetal species of grassland. p.18
Tosar, V. (2020). Improve quality of free-range eggs by choosing vegetal species of grassland. p.18. Proceedings in: NSABS 2020, Gembloux.
Improve quality of free-range eggs by choosing vegetal species of grassland
Tosar, V. , Rousseau, G. , Larondelle, Y. & Froidmont, E. (2020). Improve quality of free-range eggs by choosing vegetal species of grassland. Proceedings in: 25th National Symposium...
Production of outdoor and equol enriched eggs for the benefit of human health
Tosar, V. , Rousseau, G. , Larondelle, Y. & Froidmont, E. (2018). Production of outdoor and equol enriched eggs for the benefit of human health. Poster in: XVth European Poultry...
L'imagerie hyperspectrale s'invite dans nos poulaillers - Les essais sur poules nécessitent le tri manuel de nombreux échantillons. Et si l'imagerie hyperspectrale pouvait automatiser cette opération fastidieuse ?
Tosar, V. & Fernández Pierna, J.A. (2018). L'imagerie hyperspectrale s'invite dans nos poulaillers - Les essais sur poules nécessitent le tri manuel de nombreux échantillons. Et...