Victoria TOSAR Projet Terraé

Victoria TOSAR


Building Léon Lacroix

Rue de Liroux, 9 5030 Gembloux Tel : +32 81 87 40 01 Fax : +32 81 87 40 11
Scientific publications

L'élevage bovin en agriculture biologique : l'autonomie alimentaire. Un enjeu actuel complexe.

Tosar, V. & Faux, A.M. (2021). L'élevage bovin en agriculture biologique : l'autonomie alimentaire. Un enjeu actuel complexe. Cellule transversale de Recherches en Agriculture...

Victoria TOSAR Projet Terraé
Tosar, V.

What possibilities are there for the future of Walloon cattle farming?

Through the PROBOV project, the CRA-W is continuing its forward-looking activities in close collaboration with the IWEPS (Walloon Institute for Evaluation, Planning and Statistics).

Victoria TOSAR Projet Terraé
Tosar, V.
Brochures and folders
livret AA bio

New booklet: Cattle breeding in organic agriculture: food autonomy

Supplementing the collection of booklets published on protein crops, pork and poultry in organic farming (OF), this new publication addresses a complex current subject: food autonomy...

Victoria TOSAR Projet Terraé
Tosar, V.
Scientific publications

Red clover-rich grassland increases equol concentration in eggs from free-range laying hens

Tosar, V. , Rousseau, G. , Decruyenaere, V. , Beckers, Y. , Larondelle, Y. & Froidmont, E. (2021). Red clover-rich grassland increases equol concentration in eggs from free-range...

Bernadette BOUFFIOUX Projet Terraé
Bouffioux, B.
Scientific publications

Application of a near infrared hyperspectral imaging for identifying and quantifying red clover contained in experimental poultry refusals

Tosar, V. (2021). Application of a near infrared hyperspectral imaging for identifying and quantifying red clover contained in experimental poultry refusals. Animal Feed Science and...

Bernadette BOUFFIOUX Projet Terraé
Bouffioux, B.
Scientific publications

Improve quality of free-range eggs by choosing vegetal species of grassland. p.18

Tosar, V. (2020). Improve quality of free-range eggs by choosing vegetal species of grassland. p.18. Proceedings in: NSABS 2020, Gembloux.

Bernadette BOUFFIOUX Projet Terraé
Bouffioux, B.
Scientific publications

Improve quality of free-range eggs by choosing vegetal species of grassland

Tosar, V. , Rousseau, G. , Larondelle, Y. & Froidmont, E. (2020). Improve quality of free-range eggs by choosing vegetal species of grassland. Proceedings in: 25th National Symposium...

Victoria TOSAR Projet Terraé
Tosar, V.
Scientific publications

Production of outdoor and equol enriched eggs for the benefit of human health

Tosar, V. , Rousseau, G. , Larondelle, Y. & Froidmont, E. (2018). Production of outdoor and equol enriched eggs for the benefit of human health. Poster in: XVth European Poultry...

Victoria TOSAR Projet Terraé
Tosar, V.
Scientific publications

L'imagerie hyperspectrale s'invite dans nos poulaillers - Les essais sur poules nécessitent le tri manuel de nombreux échantillons. Et si l'imagerie hyperspectrale pouvait automatiser cette opération fastidieuse ?

Tosar, V. & Fernández Pierna, J.A. (2018). L'imagerie hyperspectrale s'invite dans nos poulaillers - Les essais sur poules nécessitent le tri manuel de nombreux échantillons. Et...

Victoria TOSAR Projet Terraé
Tosar, V.
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