Defoliating pest weevils in the spring in apple and pear orchards

  • Fassotte, C. , Moreau, E. & Cors, R. (2005). Defoliating pest weevils in the spring in apple and pear orchards. Fruit Belge, 73: (514),
Type Journal Article
Year 2005
Title Defoliating pest weevils in the spring in apple and pear orchards
Journal Fruit Belge
Recnumber 190
Volume 73
Issue 514
Endnote Keywords apples|insect pests|pears|phenology|plant pests|
Abstract The characteristics are outlined of the main pest species of Curculionidae occuring in apple and pear orchards in Belgium. The principal species are described briefly and their phenology is compared.
Notes Cited Reference Count: 9 ref. Journal article French
Author address Centre wallon de Recherches agronomiques (CRA-W), Departement Lutte biologique et Ressources phytogenetiques, Chemin de Liroux 2, B-5030 Gembloux, Belgium.
Lien ://20053089490
Authors Fassotte, C., Moreau, E., Cors, R.