Indirect method of infecting aphids with Entomophthora spp

  • Latteur, G. (1977). Indirect method of infecting aphids with Entomophthora spp. Parasitica, 33: (2),
Type Journal Article
Year 1977
Title Indirect method of infecting aphids with Entomophthora spp
Journal Parasitica
Recnumber 177
Volume 33
Issue 2
Endnote Keywords entomopathogens|pathogens|techniques|agricultural entomology|Entomophthora thaxteriana|Entomophthora aphidis|artificial infection|Entomophthoraceae|
Abstract A technique is described for infecting aphids with Entomophthora fungi. In the laboratory in Belgium, individuals of Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris) reared on Vicia faba were used for infection with E. thaxteriana and E. aphidis; 20-30 target aphids anaesthetised with carbon dioxide were placed on filter paper previously covered with conidia, which resulted in 80 and 90% infection with the 2 fungus species, respectively. In the case of E. thaxteriana, the conidia were collected on moistened sterile filter paper from a single naturally infected aphid held for 24 h 2 cm above the paper; after its removal, target aphids were kept immobile for 2 h on paper in a saturated atmosphere and subsequently transferred to growing plants of V. faba maintained for 24 h at 100% RH. In the case of E. aphidis, the conidia were obtained from 3 infected aphids held for 3 h above the filter paper, and these aphids could be used 3 times consecutively to provide inocula on separate paper surfaces; the target aphids were kept immobile for 15 min on the treated paper before being transferred to broad bean plants.
Notes Cited Reference Count: 5 ref. Journal article French 1 fig.
Author address Station de Zoologie Appliquee, CRA, Gembloux, Belgium.
Lien ://19780552602
Authors Latteur, G.