Near infrared spectroscopy estimation of feeding value of forage perennial grasses breeding programmes by global and specific calibrations. Estimation of chemical composition and digestibility

  • Dardenne, P. , Naydenova, Y. & Tomov, P. (1998). Near infrared spectroscopy estimation of feeding value of forage perennial grasses breeding programmes by global and specific calibrations. Estimation of chemical composition and digestibility. Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy, 6: 153 - 165.
Type Journal Article
Year 1998
Title Near infrared spectroscopy estimation of feeding value of forage perennial grasses breeding programmes by global and specific calibrations. Estimation of chemical composition and digestibility
Journal Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy
Label U15-0130
Recnumber 169
Volume 6
Pages 153 - 165
Date 1998
Endnote Keywords NIR spectroscopy|PLSglobal and specific calibration models|spectral data pre treatment|perennial grasses|clone breeding|cell wall|in vitro digestibility|ANOVA|
Authors Dardenne, P., Naydenova, Y., Tomov, P.