Organogenesis and embryogenesis of fruit trees.

  • Druart, P. (1983). Organogenesis and embryogenesis of fruit trees. Poster in: EEC workshop on "Tissue culture techniques in plant breeding". Cambridge (United Kingdom), April 11-13.
Type Poster
Year 1983
Title Organogenesis and embryogenesis of fruit trees.
Event name EEC workshop on "Tissue culture techniques in plant breeding".
Event location Cambridge (United Kingdom)
Recnumber 101
Event date April 11-13
Type of poster Scientifique - recherche
Endnote keywords Th-Ressources génétiques et amélioration des plantesTh-Produits de qualité différenciéeDo-Cultures fruitièresDi-Culture in vitro
Endnote Keywords arboriculture fruiti?|qualit?mbryogen?|
Authors Druart, P.