The near infrared microscopic (NIRM) method: combination of the advantages of optical microscopy and near-infrared spectroscopy (WP5-NIRM)

  • Baeten, V. , Von Holst, C. , Fissiaux, I. , Michotte Renier, A. , Murray, I. & Dardenne, P. (2005). The near infrared microscopic (NIRM) method: combination of the advantages of optical microscopy and near-infrared spectroscopy (WP5-NIRM) In: Strategies and methods to detect and quantify mammalian tissues in feedingstuffs, Dardenne, Pierre. Bruxelles, European Commission, 14 p.
Type Book Section
Year 2005
Chapter title The near infrared microscopic (NIRM) method: combination of the advantages of optical microscopy and near-infrared spectroscopy (WP5-NIRM)
Book title Strategies and methods to detect and quantify mammalian tissues in feedingstuffs
Editor Dardenne, Pierre
City Bruxelles
Publisher European Commission
Label U15-0068
Recnumber 72
Pages 14 p
Isbn 92-894-7356-8
Endnote keywords Th-Qualité, traçabilité et sécurité alimentaire Di-Spectro Infrarouge Technologie IR Do-Alimentation animale Do-Farines animales Do-spectroscopie infra-rouge Pr-STRATFEED
Author address Baeten Vincent, Quality Department of Agro-food Products, Walloon Agricultural Research Centre (CRA-W), Chaussée de Namur, 24, B-5030 Gembloux,
Caption U15-0068-baeten-2005.pdf
Authors Baeten, V., Von Holst, C., Fissiaux, I., Michotte Renier, A., Murray, I., Dardenne, P.