03 March 2023
31 December 2025

ClieNFarms – Transition to climate-neutral and resilient farms

Demonstrate, co-develop, improve technical, organisational and financial solutions at the farm level that will contribute to climate neutral and resilient farms

Context and objectives :

ClieNFarms is an Innovation Action project, funded by the European Commission in supporting of the European Green Deal, that aims to co-develop and validate systemic relevant solutions (organisational, financial, technical) to reach climate neutral farms across Europe (by reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and increasing carbon storage). However, this can not undermine the resilience of these farms, which are representative of a wide European diversity. To reach the objective, a consortium of 33 partners, from 14 countries, works to integrate and improve existing solutions in an interactive way, to achieve economically viable business models in farming systems through a multi-actors approach, mobilizing networks of farmers, their research and management structures but also downstream actors and/or society.

The CRA-W « I3S » case study :

ClieNFarms scope is based on a framework of 19 case studies called I3S (innovative systemic solution spaces) with different production systems (crops, special crops, beef, sheep, dairy,…). An I3S consists of a demonstration farm and around 10 pilot farms. The objective of an I3S is to integrate and test in situ climate solutions and practices, adapted to the local context. These solutions will be integrated and at the same time improved in an interactive way.

The CRA-W I3S is based on arable crop systems and composed of one demonstration farm and a network of 10 farms in transition in the Walloon region.

The demonstration farm is the CRA-W long term experiment (LTE) « SyCI » which aims to test and compare innovative cropping systems (Sytèmes de Cultures Innovants). The LTE is developped on 15 ha on loamy soils. The valorization of the crop productions for food purposes is a priority and addresses three major current issues : conservation of the soil capital; maximum reduction of greenhouse gas emissions; maximum reduction of the use of synthetic inputs (pesticides, fertilizers). With these three issues, 3 crop systems are developped as well as one control system. Around 10 climate solutions are being implemented and tested.

The climate impact and other related impacts of the climate solutions and practices implemented in the network of farms in transition will be analysed as well as the feasibility, the obstacles and levers to implement them.