Attachée scientifique

Les articles de Florence VAN STAPPEN

Contribution of Social Life Cycle Assessment to the evaluation of more sustainable scenarios of cereal uses in Wallonia
Delcour, A. , Van Stappen, F. , Gheysens, S. , Decruyenaere, V. , Stilmant, D. , Burny, P. , Rabier, F. , Louppe, H. & Goffart, J.P. (2012). Contribution of Social Life Cycle Assessment...

ASCV comparative des filières céréalières en Wallonie
Delcour, A. , Van Stappen, F. , Loriers, A. , Decruyenaere, V. , Burny, P. , Rabier, F. , Goffart, J.P. & Stilmant, D. (2014). ASCV comparative des filières céréalières en Wallonie....

ATL"4"CER: alternatives de valorisations pour les céréales wallonnes (4F= Food, Feed, Fuel, Fibre)
Delcour, A. & Van Stappen, F. (2011). ATL"4"CER: alternatives de valorisations pour les céréales wallonnes (4F= Food, Feed, Fuel, Fibre). Poster in: 16ème Carrefour des Productions...

Social LCA: a tool to evaluate socioeconomic impacts of agricultural production and conversion
Delcour, A. , Van Stappen, F. , Loriers, A. , Mathot, M. & Stilmant, D. (2014). Social LCA: a tool to evaluate socioeconomic impacts of agricultural production and conversion....

ASCV comparative des filières céréalières en Wallonie (Belgique)
Delcour, A. , Van Stappen, F. , Loriers, A. , Decruyenaere, V. , Burny, P. , Rabier, F. , Goffart, J.P. & Stilmant, D. (2014). ASCV comparative des filières céréalières en Wallonie...

Survey on cereal resources in Wallonia according to their different uses
Delcour, A. , Van Stappen, F. , Gheysens, S. , Decruyenaere, V. , Stilmant, D. , Burny, P. , Rabier, F. , Louppe, H. & Goffart, J. (2014). Survey on cereal resources in Wallonia...

Cereals uses in Wallonia: context and issues
Delcour, A. , Van Stappen, F. , Gheysens, S. , Decruyenaere, V. , Rabier, F. , Burny, P. , Stilmant, D. & Goffart, J.P. (2012). Cereals uses in Wallonia: context and issues In:...

Application de l'analyse du cycle de vie aux systèmes d'élevages bovins: "premiers enseignements"... "et autres ACV au CRA-W"
Mathot, M. , Delcour, A. , Loriers, A. , Vannerom, A. & Van Stappen, F. (2012). Application de l'analyse du cycle de vie aux systèmes d'élevages bovins: "premiers enseignements"......

Sigenerbiom : Development of a GIS-based model to assess the suitability of energy crops in the Great Region (poster).
Vannerom, A. , Ghysel, F. , Franck, A.G. , Van Stappen, F. , Godin, B. , Buffet, D. , Oger, R. & Stilmant, D. (2012). Sigenerbiom : Development of a GIS-based model to assess the...