Florence VAN STAPPEN Attachée scientifique



Building Léon Lacroix

Rue de Liroux, 9 5030 Gembloux Tel : +32 81 87 40 01 Fax : +32 81 87 40 11
Scientific publications

Comparative life cycle assessment of torrefied pellet production from five lignocellulosic biomass types

Loriers, A. , Planchon, V. , Godin, B. , Delcarte, J. , Stilmant, D. & Van Stappen, F. (2017). Comparative life cycle assessment of torrefied pellet production from five lignocellulosic...

Astrid LORIERS Attachée scientifique
Loriers, A.
Scientific publications

Consequential environmental life cycle assessment of a farm-scale biogas plant

Van Stappen, F. , Mathot, M. , Decruyenaere, V. , Loriers, A. , Delcour, A. , Planchon, V. , Goffart, J.-. & Stilmant, D. (2016). Consequential environmental life cycle assessment...

Florence VAN STAPPEN Attachée scientifique
Van Stappen, F.
Scientific publications

Bilan et apports de différentes analyses sociales du cycle de vie menées dans le secteur des agro-industries

Delcour, A. , Van Stappen, F. , Burny, P. , Goffart, J.P. & Stilmant, D. (2015). Bilan et apports de différentes analyses sociales du cycle de vie menées dans le secteur des agro-industries....

 Attachée scientifique
Scientific publications

LCAs of cereal productions – Case study: Consequential LCA of a farm-scale biogas plant.

Van Stappen, F. (2015). LCAs of cereal productions – Case study: Consequential LCA of a farm-scale biogas plant. Proceedings in: 1st meeting of the FNRS contact group in LCA, Liège,...

Florence VAN STAPPEN Attachée scientifique
Van Stappen, F.
Scientific publications

Local data for agricultural Life Cycle Assessment: the case of cereal production in Wallonia

Van Stappen, F. , Delcour, A. , Loriers, A. , Mathot, M. , Stilmant, D. , Decruyenaere, V. , Rabier, F. & Goffart, J.P. (2015). Local data for agricultural Life Cycle Assessment:...

Florence VAN STAPPEN Attachée scientifique
Van Stappen, F.
Scientific publications

Alternative scenarios for food and non-food uses of Walloon cereals by 2030

Van Stappen, F. , Delcour, A. , Gheysens, S. , Decruyenaere, V. , Stilmant, D. , Rabier, F. , Louppe, H. , Burny, P. & Goffart, J.P. (2014). Alternative scenarios for food and...

Florence VAN STAPPEN Attachée scientifique
Van Stappen, F.
Scientific publications

Assessment of GHG emissions and their variability of meat production systems in Wallonia based on grass and maize

Rabier, F. , Lioy, R. , Paulc, C. , Van Stappen, F. , Stilmant, D. & Mathot, M. (2015). Assessment of GHG emissions and their variability of meat production systems in Wallonia...

Fabienne RABIER Attachée scientifique
Rabier, F.
Scientific publications

Assessment and contributions of different Social Life Cycle Assessments performed in the agribusiness sector

Delcour, A. , Van Stappen, F. , Burny, P. , Goffart, J.P. & Stilmant, D. (2015). Assessment and contributions of different Social Life Cycle Assessments performed in the agribusiness...

 Attachée scientifique
Scientific publications

Organic versus conventional farming: the case of wheat production in Wallonia (Belgium)

Van Stappen, F. , Loriers, A. , Mathot, M. , Planchon, V. , Stilmant, D. & Debode, F. (2015). Organic versus conventional farming: the case of wheat production in Wallonia (Belgium)....

Florence VAN STAPPEN Attachée scientifique
Van Stappen, F.
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