Attachée scientifique

Les articles de Florence VAN STAPPEN

Comparative life cycle assessment of torrefied pellet production from five lignocellulosic biomass types
Loriers, A. , Planchon, V. , Godin, B. , Delcarte, J. , Stilmant, D. & Van Stappen, F. (2017). Comparative life cycle assessment of torrefied pellet production from five lignocellulosic...

Consequential environmental life cycle assessment of a farm-scale biogas plant
Van Stappen, F. , Mathot, M. , Decruyenaere, V. , Loriers, A. , Delcour, A. , Planchon, V. , Goffart, J.-. & Stilmant, D. (2016). Consequential environmental life cycle assessment...

Bilan et apports de différentes analyses sociales du cycle de vie menées dans le secteur des agro-industries
Delcour, A. , Van Stappen, F. , Burny, P. , Goffart, J.P. & Stilmant, D. (2015). Bilan et apports de différentes analyses sociales du cycle de vie menées dans le secteur des agro-industries....

LCAs of cereal productions – Case study: Consequential LCA of a farm-scale biogas plant.
Van Stappen, F. (2015). LCAs of cereal productions – Case study: Consequential LCA of a farm-scale biogas plant. Proceedings in: 1st meeting of the FNRS contact group in LCA, Liège,...

Local data for agricultural Life Cycle Assessment: the case of cereal production in Wallonia
Van Stappen, F. , Delcour, A. , Loriers, A. , Mathot, M. , Stilmant, D. , Decruyenaere, V. , Rabier, F. & Goffart, J.P. (2015). Local data for agricultural Life Cycle Assessment:...

Alternative scenarios for food and non-food uses of Walloon cereals by 2030
Van Stappen, F. , Delcour, A. , Gheysens, S. , Decruyenaere, V. , Stilmant, D. , Rabier, F. , Louppe, H. , Burny, P. & Goffart, J.P. (2014). Alternative scenarios for food and...

Assessment of GHG emissions and their variability of meat production systems in Wallonia based on grass and maize
Rabier, F. , Lioy, R. , Paulc, C. , Van Stappen, F. , Stilmant, D. & Mathot, M. (2015). Assessment of GHG emissions and their variability of meat production systems in Wallonia...

Assessment and contributions of different Social Life Cycle Assessments performed in the agribusiness sector
Delcour, A. , Van Stappen, F. , Burny, P. , Goffart, J.P. & Stilmant, D. (2015). Assessment and contributions of different Social Life Cycle Assessments performed in the agribusiness...

Organic versus conventional farming: the case of wheat production in Wallonia (Belgium)
Van Stappen, F. , Loriers, A. , Mathot, M. , Planchon, V. , Stilmant, D. & Debode, F. (2015). Organic versus conventional farming: the case of wheat production in Wallonia (Belgium)....