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Communication service
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Geert, R. .. (2006). Benchmarking the Environmental Performances of Farms. LCA, 22-25.
Benoit, M. (2014). Les fuites d'azote en grandes cultures céréalières. Lixiviation et émissions atmosphériques dans des systèmes biologiques et conventionnels du bassin de la Seine...
Lesschena, J.P.. , Van Den Bergb, M.. , Westhoekb, H.J.. , Witzke, H.P. & Oenema, O.. (2011). Greenhouse gas emission profiles of European livestock sectors. Animal Feed Science...
John, P. & Ioannidis, A.. (2014). How to Make More Published Research True. Plos Medicine, 11: (10),
John P A Ioannidis, S.G. (2014). Increasing value and reducing waste in research design, conduct, and analysis. Plos Medicine, 383: 166-175.
Wavreille, J. , Dufourny, S. , Servais, V. , Gillard, N. , Ghys, J.P. , Frankson, D. , Moerman, M. , Minne, G. & Delahaut, P. (2014). Alternative à la castration chirurgicale du...
Climate change increases the risk that extreme weather events will occur. The damage they cause to agro-ecosystems can be seen and makes an impression on the minds of both farmers...