Geneviève MINNE Chargée de Communication

Geneviève MINNE


Building Léon Lacroix

Rue de Liroux, 9 5030 Gembloux Tel : +32 81 87 40 01 Fax : +32 81 87 40 11
Scientific publications

Benchmarking the Environmental Performances of Farms

Geert, R. .. (2006). Benchmarking the Environmental Performances of Farms. LCA, 22-25.

Geneviève MINNE Chargée de Communication
Minne, G.
Scientific publications

Les fuites d'azote en grandes cultures céréalières. Lixiviation et émissions atmosphériques dans des systèmes biologiques et conventionnels du bassin de la Seine (France)

Benoit, M. (2014). Les fuites d'azote en grandes cultures céréalières. Lixiviation et émissions atmosphériques dans des systèmes biologiques et conventionnels du bassin de la Seine...

Geneviève MINNE Chargée de Communication
Minne, G.
Scientific publications

Greenhouse gas emission profiles of European livestock sectors

Lesschena, J.P.. , Van Den Bergb, M.. , Westhoekb, H.J.. , Witzke, H.P. & Oenema, O.. (2011). Greenhouse gas emission profiles of European livestock sectors. Animal Feed Science...

Geneviève MINNE Chargée de Communication
Minne, G.
Scientific publications

How to Make More Published Research True

John, P. & Ioannidis, A.. (2014). How to Make More Published Research True. Plos Medicine, 11: (10),

Geneviève MINNE Chargée de Communication
Minne, G.
Scientific publications

Increasing value and reducing waste in research design, conduct, and analysis

John P A Ioannidis, S.G. (2014). Increasing value and reducing waste in research design, conduct, and analysis. Plos Medicine, 383: 166-175.

Geneviève MINNE Chargée de Communication
Minne, G.
Scientific publications

Alternative à la castration chirurgicale du porcelet. Evaluation de la vaccination contre l'odeur de verrat dans la viande. Rapport D2998 "Le risque d'odeur de verrat"

Wavreille, J. , Dufourny, S. , Servais, V. , Gillard, N. , Ghys, J.P. , Frankson, D. , Moerman, M. , Minne, G. & Delahaut, P. (2014). Alternative à la castration chirurgicale du...

José WAVREILLE Chargée de Communication
Wavreille, J.
Press releases
Effects of Climate Change and Production Risk Management in Wallonia

Effects of Climate Change and Production Risk Management in Wallonia

Climate change increases the risk that extreme weather events will occur. The damage they cause to agro-ecosystems can be seen and makes an impression on the minds of both farmers...

Geneviève MINNE Chargée de Communication
Minne, G.
CRA-W info
CRA-W info n°64

CRA-W info n°64

Spring 2020

Geneviève MINNE Chargée de Communication
Minne, G.
CRA-W info
CRA-W info n°63

CRA-W info n°63

Winter 2019-2020

Geneviève MINNE Chargée de Communication
Minne, G.
126 rows