
uavsoil - UAV borne spectrometers for high resolution soil and crop monitoring
The UAVsoil project (2017-2019) took place in a context of optimisation of agricultural management at field level through the use of images from sensors embedded on UAV to characterise...

Co-definition and evaluation of sustainable beef farming systems based on resources non edible by humans

AGROMET : a web-based weather platform for agricultural decision support systems
A web-based weather platform for real-time agro-meteorological data dissemination at high spatial (1km²) and temporal (hourly and daily) resolution
Terahertz radiation (THz) is the spectral range included between infrared and microwaves. It can be very interesting for several industrial applications. To investigate the potential...
UNICAMP and CRA-W have decided to join their effort to set up an ambitious research and training program to apply emergent spectroscopic techniques to the quality control and traceability...

Provide Europe with an inventory of tools and resources to detect fraud and guarantee the integrity of the food chain

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