Attaché scientifique
Yannick CURNEL
Les articles de Yannick CURNEL
Etude écopathologique des facteurs de risque des mammites dans les élevages laitiers en Wallonie (abstract).
Delfosse, C. , Froidmont, E. , Curnel, Y. , Humblet, M. , Hanzen, C. , Bertozzi, C. & Bartiaux-Thill, N. (2007). Etude écopathologique des facteurs de risque des mammites dans...
Agrophenology indicators from remote sensing : state of the art (Abstract).
Curnel, Y. & Oger, R. (2006). Agrophenology indicators from remote sensing : state of the art (Abstract). Proceedings in: Workshop "Remote Sensing Support to Crop Yield Forecast...
Sensitivity study of TSUM parameters for winter wheat in Belgium.
Curnel, Y. & Oger, R. (2004). Sensitivity study of TSUM parameters for winter wheat in Belgium. Proceedings in: Mid-Term Meeting "Development of an agri-environmental monitoring...
Recalibration of H-CGMS phenological parameters for grain maize, spring wheat and soybean in Heilongjiang.
Curnel, Y. , Gao, Y. , Yin, S. & Oger, R. (2004). Recalibration of H-CGMS phenological parameters for grain maize, spring wheat and soybean in Heilongjiang. Proceedings in: Mid-Term...
First functionalities of a statistical calibration toolbox for crop yield forecasting.
Curnel, Y. , Buffet, D. & Oger, R. (2004). First functionalities of a statistical calibration toolbox for crop yield forecasting. Proceedings in: Mid-Term Meeting "Development...
Etude écopathologique des facteurs de risque des mammites dans les élevages laitiers wallons
Delfosse, C. , Humblet, M. , Bertozzi, C. , Boudry, C. , Pluvinage, P. , Froidmont, E. , Oger, R. , Planchon, V. , Curnel, Y. , Piraux, E. , Jadoul, T. & Bartiaux-Thill, N. (2006)....
Etude écopathologique des facteurs de risque des mammites dans les élevages laitiers en Wallonie.
Delfosse, C. , Froidmont, E. , Curnel, Y. , Humblet, M. , Hanzen, C. , Bertozzi, C. & Bartiaux-Thill, N. (2006). Etude écopathologique des facteurs de risque des mammites dans...
uavsoil - UAV borne spectrometers for high resolution soil and crop monitoring
The UAVsoil project (2017-2019) took place in a context of optimisation of agricultural management at field level through the use of images from sensors embedded on UAV to characterise...