Comparison of culture media for enumeration of Bifidobacteria in pig faeces.

  • Ninane, V. , Wavreille, J. , Froidmont, E. & Berben, G. (2012). Comparison of culture media for enumeration of Bifidobacteria in pig faeces. Poster in: 8th INRA-Rowett Symposium on Gut Microbiology "Gut microbiota: friend or foe?", Clermont-Ferrand, France, 17-20 June.
Type Poster
Year 2012
Title Comparison of culture media for enumeration of Bifidobacteria in pig faeces.
Event name 8th INRA-Rowett Symposium on Gut Microbiology "Gut microbiota: friend or foe?"
Event location Clermont-Ferrand, France
Event date 17-20 June
Abstract Three culture media were compared for their suitability to enumerate Bifidobacteria in pig faeces: CBRCA [1] , MW [2] and MTPY [3]. Culture media were inoculated with 8 samples of fresh faeces excreted by various sows of a single piggery. Selectivity of the culture media was checked by identifying 5 colonies per sample on the base of both physiological and molecular characters: Gram reaction, catalase reaction, cellular morphology and PCR performed with the pair of primers Bif164f - Bif662r that is selective for Bifidobacteria in pig faeces. Colonies developed on CBRCA appeared with various morphologies, including the ones described by the authors having developed that medium as being Bifidobacteria, while colonies developed on MW and on MTPY were homogeneous in shape. Enumeration of the colonies grown on CBRCA that were characteristic to Bifidobacteria and of all the colonies grown on MW and on MTPY gave results that were statistically equal: their geometric means were respectively of 1.0*107, 5.6*107 and 3.9*107 CFU.g-1. The colonies examined for identification reacted most of the time clearly positively to the Gram stain and always negatively to the catalase test. However, only those grown on MTPY showed the typical Y shape of the Bifidobacteria. Regarding the molecular identification by PCR, none of the colonies grown on CBRCA gave a response during amplification with the bifidobacterial assay while respectively 70 % and 95 % of the colonies grown on MW and on MTPY yielded an amplicon of the expected molecular weight (~ 500 pb). MTPY was the only selective culture medium that gave rise to colonies that showed reliable bifidobacterial traits and that was therefore suitable to enumerate Bifidobacteria in pig faeces. [1] van der Wiel-Korstanje & Winkler (1970) Medium for differential count of the anaerobic flora in human feces. Appl. Microbiol. 20, 168-169 [2] Rada et al. (1999) Evaluation of selective media for bifidobacteria in poultry and rabbit caecal samples. J. Vet. Med. 46, 369-373 [3] Rada & Petr (2002) Enumeration of bifidobacteria in animal intestinal samples. Vet. Med. Czech 47, 1-4
Authors Ninane, V., Wavreille, J., Froidmont, E., Berben, G.
