Contribution of Social Life Cycle Assessment to the evaluation of more sustainable scenarios of cereal uses in Wallonia

  • Delcour, A. , Van Stappen, F. , Gheysens, S. , Decruyenaere, V. , Stilmant, D. , Burny, P. , Rabier, F. , Louppe, H. & Goffart, J.P. (2012). Contribution of Social Life Cycle Assessment to the evaluation of more sustainable scenarios of cereal uses in Wallonia. Proceedings in: AVNIR International LCA Conference, Lille (France), 11/2012,
Type Conference Proceedings
Year of conference 2012
Title Contribution of Social Life Cycle Assessment to the evaluation of more sustainable scenarios of cereal uses in Wallonia
Conference name AVNIR International LCA Conference
Conference location Lille (France)
Recnumber 20
conference Date 11/2012
Type of article avec comité d'acceptation
Project/Service ref ALT-4-CER
Abstract In Wallonia (Belgium), main cereals - wheat, barley, spelt, grain maize and forage maize - cover 66% of the Walloon arable cropped area (DGSIE, 2010). These cereals are mainly dedicated to animal feed industry. Biofuel industry valorising Walloon cereals is increasing up while food uses decrease notably due to the low prices obtained by the producers for food varieties. Transformation and added value are further located in Flanders. In this context of competition for cereal resources, the project “ALT-4-CER – Alternatives for Cereals” aims to compare environmental and socio-economic performances for current and potential scenarios of cereal uses in Wallonia. Thanks to the involvement of cereal chains stakeholders, four scenarios of cereal uses were defined based on cereal resources and uses for 2010, historic trends, estimates and contrasted hypothesis up to 2030: (1) “business-as-usual” scenario – extrapolating of past trends, (2) “strategic” scenario - optimization of current system, (3) “localisation” scenario -development of new conversion units in Wallonia and (4) “globalisation” scenario - Wallonia focuses on high added value production and exports other products. Beside Environmental Life Cycle Assessment (E-LCA), a Social Life Cycle Analysis (S-LCA) methodology is being elaborated in order to evaluate socio-economic performances of these scenarios. This implies the definition of a range of particular stakeholders (farmers, firms, workers and local communities) and workable indicators (number of work-related accidents, employment, training, qualification, etc.), specific to cereal production. Based on political priorities, a methodology evaluating wellness from both the economic and social dimensions is being developed, based respectively on added value and work time distribution. S-LCA depends on type and localization of actors so stakeholders are classified according to their characteristics. Methodology is based on interviews and specific database accounts because generic data are not accurate enough to depict Walloon cereal chains and simulate interactions between stakeholders.
Authors Delcour, A., Van Stappen, F., Gheysens, S., Decruyenaere, V., Stilmant, D., Burny, P., Rabier, F., Louppe, H., Goffart, J.P.

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