Development of rapid techniques of identification of Pseudomonas syringae isolates from cherry and plum, and their use in determining the diversity and virulence of Walloon strains

  • Bultreys, A. & Gheysen, I. (2007). Development of rapid techniques of identification of Pseudomonas syringae isolates from cherry and plum, and their use in determining the diversity and virulence of Walloon strains In: Cost Action 873, StoneFruitNutHealth - Diagnostic and monitoring of bacterial diseases of stone fruits and nuts, C. Manceau et al. (eds). Angers, France, 12.
Type Book Section
Year 2007
Chapter title Development of rapid techniques of identification of Pseudomonas syringae isolates from cherry and plum, and their use in determining the diversity and virulence of Walloon strains
Book title Cost Action 873, StoneFruitNutHealth - Diagnostic and monitoring of bacterial diseases of stone fruits and nuts
Editor C. Manceau et al. (eds)
City Angers, France
Recnumber 372
Pages 12
Endnote keywords Th-Protection des plantes Do-Cultures fruitières Di-Phytopathologie
Endnote Keywords Pseudomonas syringae
Authors Bultreys, A., Gheysen, I.
