Evolution of ambient air concentrations of 46 pesticides in Wallonia, Belgium in summer 2015

  • Giusti, A. , Galloy, A. , Gérard, G. , Pigeon, O. , Delvaux, A. & Remy, S. (2017). Evolution of ambient air concentrations of 46 pesticides in Wallonia, Belgium in summer 2015. Proceedings in: SETAC Europe 27th Annual Meeting, Bruxelles, 7-11 May 2017,
Type Conference Proceedings
Year of conference 2017
Title Evolution of ambient air concentrations of 46 pesticides in Wallonia, Belgium in summer 2015
Conference name SETAC Europe 27th Annual Meeting
Conference location Bruxelles
conference Date 7-11 May 2017
Authors Giusti, A., Galloy, A., Gérard, G., Pigeon, O., Delvaux, A., Remy, S.