Fruit tree genetic resources and integrated fruit production

  • Lateur, M. (2000). Fruit tree genetic resources and integrated fruit production. Acta Horticulturae, (No. 525),
Type Journal Article
Year 2000
Title Fruit tree genetic resources and integrated fruit production
Journal Acta Horticulturae
Recnumber 70
Issue No. 525
Endnote Keywords plant genetic resources|cultivars|plant pathogens|plant pathogenic fungi|plant diseases|disease resistance|varietal reactions|fungal diseases|evaluation|fruits|apples|organic farming|fruit crops|
Abstract A research programme using the Belgian fruit tree genetic resources aims to identify potentially useful material through specific pathways of evaluation. Results are given of experimental trials with old apple cultivars possessing partial disease resistance and acceptable agronomic characters for professional growers who use integrated fruit production systems (IFP) or organic production systems (OPS) for dessert fruits and/or fruit used in processing. Furthermore, a breeding programme has been initiated to develop new commercial apple cultivars suited to IFP/OPS and with durable disease resistance using selected old cultivars possessing polygenic resistance, to scab (Venturia inaequalis) and/or mildew (Podosphaera leucotricha) as parents.
Notes Cited Reference Count: 14 ref. Conference paper, Journal article English
Author address Ministry of Middle Classes and Agriculture, Agricultural Research Centre, Department of Biological Control and Plant Genetic Resources, Chemin de Liroux, 4, B-5030 Gembloux, Belgium.
Lien ://20001614496
Authors Lateur, M.