Identification and characterization of Pseudomonas syringae and Erwinia amylovora strains isolated from Walloon pear and apple orchards in Belgium, in order to prepare the development of biocontrol methods

  • Bultreys, A. , Gheysen, I. , Legros, F. & Gilbert, V. (2006). Identification and characterization of Pseudomonas syringae and Erwinia amylovora strains isolated from Walloon pear and apple orchards in Belgium, in order to prepare the development of biocontrol methods In: Cost Action 864 - Pome Fruit Health Research in Europe: Current Status 2006, K. Stich et al. (eds). Wien, Austria, 91-93.
Type Book Section
Year 2006
Chapter title Identification and characterization of Pseudomonas syringae and Erwinia amylovora strains isolated from Walloon pear and apple orchards in Belgium, in order to prepare the development of biocontrol methods
Book title Cost Action 864 - Pome Fruit Health Research in Europe: Current Status 2006
Editor K. Stich et al. (eds)
City Wien, Austria
Recnumber 367
Pages 91-93
Endnote keywords Th-Protection des plantes Do-Cultures fruitières Di-Phytopathologie
Endnote Keywords Pseudomonas syringae
Authors Bultreys, A., Gheysen, I., Legros, F., Gilbert, V.
