Pesticides selectivity list to beneficial arthropods in four field vegetable crops

  • Jansen, J.P. , Hautier, L. , Mabon, N. & Schiffers, B. (2008). Pesticides selectivity list to beneficial arthropods in four field vegetable crops. IOBC/wprs Bulletin, 35: 66-77.
Type Journal Article
Year 2008
Title Pesticides selectivity list to beneficial arthropods in four field vegetable crops
Journal IOBC/wprs Bulletin
Label hautier 2008 tap 547
Recnumber 825
Volume 35
Pages 66-77
Endnote Keywords Adalia bipunctata - Aleochara bilineata, Aphidius rhopalosiphi, Bembidion lampros, Episyrphus balteatus, selectivity list, vegetable
Abstract Selectivity of pesticides to beneficial arthropods is a key data for the implementation of IPM program. In the context of field vegetables crop, a set of 16 fungicides, 16 herbicides and 13 insecticides commonly used in Belgium were tested on 5 indicator species: the parasitic hymenoptera Aphidius rhopalosiphi (De Stefani-Perez) (Hym., Aphidiidae), the aphid foliage dwelling predators Adalia bipunctata (L.) (Col., Coccinellidae) and Episyrphus balteatus (Dipt., Syrphidae) and the ground-dwelling predators Aleochara bilineata (Col., Staphyllinidae) and Bembidion lampros (Col., Carabidae). Pesticides were tested according a testing scheme including a first assessment on inert substrate and, for product that were toxic, a second assessment on natural substrate. The effects of the product were assessed on basis of onion fly pupae parasitism reduction for A. bilineata and on basis of corrected mortality for the 4 remaining species. According to the final results obtained at the end of this testing scheme, the products were listed in toxicity classes: green list if effect ?30%, yellow list 30% < effect ? 60% and orange list 60% < effect ? 80%. Products with toxicity higher than 80% on plants or on soils, or that reduce parasitism more than 80% on soil were put in red list and are not recommended for IPM. Results showed that all fungicides and herbicides were included in the green list except tebuconazole and boscalid + pyraclostrobin that were labeled as yellow for A. bipunctata. In opposite, no foliar insecticide was totally selective for all beneficial tested. However some products are in green list for one or several species. Soil insecticides were all are very toxic for ground dwelling arthropods and classed in red list. In conclusions, fungicides and herbicides tested are compatible with IPM programs. For foliar insecticides, some treatments can be used carefully according to the selectivity. But for soil insecticide treatments, their toxicity raise the question of their use in IPM programs in vegetables and the need of new compounds or development of alternative pest control programs.
Authors Jansen, J.P., Hautier, L., Mabon, N., Schiffers, B.
