Research on alternative methods of control of spot on apple for organic production: three years of experimentation in Cra-W

  • Jamar, L. & Lateur, M. (2005). Research on alternative methods of control of spot on apple for organic production: three years of experimentation in Cra-W. Fruit Belge, 73: (515),
Type Journal Article
Year 2005
Title Research on alternative methods of control of spot on apple for organic production: three years of experimentation in Cra-W
Journal Fruit Belge
Recnumber 209
Volume 73
Issue 515
Endnote Keywords apples|chemical control|copper fungicides|cultural control|disease control|disease resistance|fumigation|fungicides|integrated control|plant diseases|plant pathogenic fungi|plant pathogens|soil management|sulfur|
Abstract The integration is discussed of a number of different methods for the control apple spot in Belgium. The methods considered include the use of resistant varieties, prophylactic measures, and principles for timing the application of pesticides. The utilization of treatments based on sulfur and copper is also discussed. Alternatives to the use of copper-based fungicides include soil management and fumigation and management of the orchard environment.
Notes Journal article French
Author address CRA-W, Dept. Lutte Biologique & Ressources Phytogenetiques, Gembloux, Belgium.
Lien ://20053121265
Authors Jamar, L., Lateur, M.
