Resurgence in Belgium of 'lead' disease of fruit trees

  • Lateur, M. , Schmitz, S. , Etienne, M. & Zini, J. (2004). Resurgence in Belgium of 'lead' disease of fruit trees. Fruit Belge, 72: (511),
Type Journal Article
Year 2004
Title Resurgence in Belgium of 'lead' disease of fruit trees
Journal Fruit Belge
Recnumber 57
Volume 72
Issue 511
Endnote Keywords cultural control|disease control|fruit trees|geographical distribution|host plants|life cycle|plant diseases|plant pathogenic fungi|plant pathogens|pruning|tree fruits|trees|
Abstract Notes are given on the geographical distribution and hosts of Chondrostereum purpureum, a disease of fruit trees in Belgium. The symptoms and life cycle of the disease are described. Control methods include eradication of sources of infection, hygiene and timing of pruning.
Notes Cited Reference Count: 5 ref. Journal article French
Author address Centre wallon de Recherches Agronomiques, Departement Lutte biologique et Ressources phytogenetiques, GEMBLOUX, Belgium.
Lien ://20043194301
Authors Lateur, M., Schmitz, S., Etienne, M., Zini, J.
