Social Life Cycle Assessment: a methodology to evaluate sustainability of scenarios of cereal uses in Wallonia

  • Delcour, A. , Van Stappen, F. , Decruyenaere, V. , Stilmant, D. , Burny, P. , Rabier, F. & Louppe, H. (2013). Social Life Cycle Assessment: a methodology to evaluate sustainability of scenarios of cereal uses in Wallonia. Proceedings in: 3th International Seminar in Social LCA, Montréal, 6-7/05/2013,
Type Conference Proceedings
Year of conference 2013
Title Social Life Cycle Assessment: a methodology to evaluate sustainability of scenarios of cereal uses in Wallonia
Conference name 3th International Seminar in Social LCA
Conference location Montréal
Recnumber 20
conference Date 6-7/05/2013
Type of article avec comité d'acceptation
Project/Service ref ALT-4-CER
Endnote Keywords cereals, life cycle assessment, environmental impact, socio-economic impact, decision making
Abstract In Wallonia (Belgium), roughly 60% of the arable cropped area is dedicated to cereals (DGSIE, 2010). Based on a comprehensive description of the Walloon cereal sector, the project “Alternatives for Cereals – in short ALT-4-CER” considers current and future opportunities for food, feed, fuel and fibre uses of Walloon cereal resources (so-called “4F” scenarios) through an exhaustive comparison of sustainable performances of existing and potential conversion chains. Scenarios are being evaluated regarding environmental and socio-economic aspects through Life Cycle Analyses fed by region-specific data adapted to the local context. Multifunctional systems such as 4F cereal chains involve specific methodological choices regarding functional unit selection, system boundary definition, impact or stakeholders categories. Beside Environmental Life Cycle Analysis (E-LCA), a Social Life Cycle Analysis (S-LCA) methodology is being elaborated in order to grasp all three pillars of sustainable development. This implies the definition of a range of particular stakeholders and workable indicators, specific to agricultural productions. A methodology evaluating wellbeing from both the economic and social dimensions is being developed and adapted to European countries, with a special focus on farmers. This also involves modelling interactions between stakeholders. In a later step, environmental and socio-economic assessment results will be integrated thanks to multi-criteria analysis involving once again the stakeholders. The project will help answering key questions raised today by society: “What type of agriculture do we want for tomorrow? Is it ethically, environmentally and economically sustainable to dedicate cereals resources to other uses than human food?”.
Notes References : DGSIE, 2010. SPF Economie - Direction générale statistique et information économique – Recensements agricoles de 1995, 2000, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010.
Authors Delcour, A., Van Stappen, F., Decruyenaere, V., Stilmant, D., Burny, P., Rabier, F., Louppe, H.

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