Species identification of processed animal fat: Potential of different methods

  • Von Holst, C. , Baeten, V. , Berben, G. & Bellorini, S. (2007). Species identification of processed animal fat: Potential of different methods Inform 18, (8), 570-572.
Type Magazine Article
Year 2007
Title Species identification of processed animal fat: Potential of different methods
Magazine Inform
Label U15-0581
Recnumber 551
Volume 18
Issue Number 8
Pages 570-572
Issue Date Août 2007
Abstract FT-NIR is concluded to work well when analyzing pure tallox, regardless of the process conditions and the degree of purity, but reveals difficulties when working on mixtures. In contrast, PCR and immunoassays show outstanding sensitivity, because tallow can even be detected when mixed with other fats at a low ration. However, both methods were found to score poorly in the case of premier jus, due to its extemely low content of insoluble impurities.
Author address Baeten Vincent, Quality Department of Agro-food Products, Walloon Agricultural Research Centre (CRA-W), Chaussée de Namur, 24, B-5030 Gembloux, baeten@cra.wallonie.be
Authors Von Holst, C., Baeten, V., Berben, G., Bellorini, S.
