Specific localization and measurement of hydrogen peroxide in Arabidopsis thaliana cell suspensions and protoplasts elicited by COS-OGA

  • Ledoux, Q. , Van Cutsem, P. , Marko, I.E. & Veys, P. (2014). Specific localization and measurement of hydrogen peroxide in Arabidopsis thaliana cell suspensions and protoplasts elicited by COS-OGA. Plant Signaling & Behavior, 9: (5), e28824 1-6.
Type Journal Article
Year 2014
Title Specific localization and measurement of hydrogen peroxide in Arabidopsis thaliana cell suspensions and protoplasts elicited by COS-OGA
Journal Plant Signaling & Behavior
Label 1690
Edition Journal Article
Recnumber 20
Volume 9
Issue 5
Pages e28824 1-6
Lien http://dx.doi.org/10.4161/psb.28824
Authors Ledoux, Q., Van Cutsem, P., Marko, I.E., Veys, P.

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