Study of the effect of the larvae of the saddle-gall midge (Haplodiplosio equestris Wagner) on the yield and stem height of two spring wheats of the variety Jufy I

  • Latteur, G. (1970). Study of the effect of the larvae of the saddle-gall midge (Haplodiplosio equestris Wagner) on the yield and stem height of two spring wheats of the variety Jufy I. Bulletin des Recherches Agronomiques de Gembloux, 5: (3/4),
Type Journal Article
Year 1970
Title Study of the effect of the larvae of the saddle-gall midge (Haplodiplosio equestris Wagner) on the yield and stem height of two spring wheats of the variety Jufy I
Journal Bulletin des Recherches Agronomiques de Gembloux
Recnumber 184
Volume 5
Issue 3/4
Endnote Keywords wheat|damage|cereals|agricultural entomology|Haplodiplosis equestris|
Abstract Haplodiplosis equestris (Wagn.) has recently increased in importance as a pest of wheat in Belgium [cf. RAE/A 61, 1951]. In view of the growing preoccupation with the danger of unnecessary applications of toxic chemicals, and also of the claim that the larvae of this gall-midge can actually benefit an infested plant by causing an increased flow of sap [cf. 12, p. 288], the effect of H. equestris on stem growth and yield in a variety of winter wheat was investigated in two localities in 1969, to determine whether chemical control was desirable. The presence of larvae was found to result in a reduction in yield and stem height proportional to the number of galls formed on the stem. On plants with a single stalk, each additional 5 galls/stem caused a 10% yield reduction on each ear and a 6% reduction in stem height. On double-stalked plants the position was different. If only one stalk was infested, the yield of the other increased, and 8 galls/stem were needed to bring about a 10% yield reduction; even if both stalks were infested, the reductions in yield and stem height occasioned by 5 galls/stem were 5 and 3%, respectively. The yield reduction was due mainly to the smaller number of grains and, to a less extent, to reduced weight/grain.
Notes Cited Reference Count: 8 ref. Journal article French
Author address Station de Zoologie Appliquee, Gembloux, Belgium.
Lien ://19730511593
Authors Latteur, G.