The pear buprestid, Agrilus sinuatus Olivier, a resurgent pest of our fruit tree crops

  • Fassotte, C. (1999). The pear buprestid, Agrilus sinuatus Olivier, a resurgent pest of our fruit tree crops. Fruit Belge, 67: (478),
Type Journal Article
Year 1999
Title The pear buprestid, Agrilus sinuatus Olivier, a resurgent pest of our fruit tree crops
Journal Fruit Belge
Recnumber 195
Volume 67
Issue 478
Endnote Keywords pears|insect pests|plant pests|chemical control|insecticides|integrated control|pest control|fruit crops|agricultural entomology|Agrilus sinuatus|
Abstract In recent years, there has been a resurgence of A. sinuatus on fruit and ornamental trees, especially pear, in orchards and nurseries in Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium. There are two fundamental reasons for this resurgence: favourable climatic conditions resulting from successive hot summers; and the implementation of integrated control practices which has led to a decrease in the number of pest control treatments against Psylla pyri [Cacopsylla pyri] and a build-up of populations of secondary pests. Notes are given on the biology, phenology, injuriousness and control of the pest. Curative chemical control of the pest is impossible because the larvae live in the wood; preventive chemical control of adults is possible using broad-spectrum contact insecticides. Knowledge of the flight period of the adults is necessary before starting chemical control, but the trapping of A. sinuatus is difficult. Studies in the Netherlands and Belgium showed that the flight period of the pest was good in 1997 but not in 1998, indicating that it has a biannual cycle.
Notes Cited Reference Count: 15 ref. Journal article French
Author address Ministere des Classes moyennes et de l'Agriculture, Centre de Recherches agronomiques, Departement de Lutte biologique et Ressources phytogenetiques, Unite de Zoologie, Gembloux, Belgium.
Lien ://19991106224
Authors Fassotte, C.