Using leaf traits to rank native grasses according to their nutritive value

  • Khaled, R. , Duru, M. , Decruyenaere, V. , Jouany, J. & Cruz, P. (2006). Using leaf traits to rank native grasses according to their nutritive value. Rangeland Ecol Manage, 59: 648-654.
Type Journal Article
Year 2006
Title Using leaf traits to rank native grasses according to their nutritive value
Journal Rangeland Ecol Manage
Label 154
Recnumber 195
Volume 59
Pages 648-654
Date november 2006
Endnote Keywords tissue composition|digestibility|leaf dry matter content|leaf life span|specific leaf area|
Authors Khaled, R., Duru, M., Decruyenaere, V., Jouany, J., Cruz, P.